Bruce Sterling
- Adrian Holovaty
- Annalee Newitz
- Ben Goodger
- Bruce Sterling
- Cameron Adams
- Damian Conway
- David Recordon
- Derek Featherstone
- Derek Powazek
- Fiona Romeo
- Heather Champ
- Jackson Wilkinson
- Jane McGonigal
- Jasmina Tesanovic
- Joshua Porter
- Matt Biddulph
- Matt Jones
- Michael Lopp
- Meg Pickard
- Nat Torkington
- Pamela Fox
- Russell Brown
- Russ Weakley
- Toby Segaran
- Tom Coates
- Ze Frank

Bruce Sterling
Bruce Sterling is a science fiction author, design essayist and Net critic. His book on product frontiers, Shaping Things, has inspired designers to rethink how they approach their craft. His novels Involution Ocean, The Artificial Kid, Schismatrix, Islands in the Net, and Heavy Weather, along with The Difference Engine — which he co-authored with William Gibson — influenced the cyberpunk literary movement.
Bruce is one of the founders of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Editor of Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology. Other books by Bruce Sterling include Zeitgeist, Distraction, Holy Fire, The Hacker Crackdown, and Tomorrow Now.
- Bruce Sterling at the Open Directory Project
- Closing talk by Bruce Sterling South by South West, 2007.
- Opening keynote speech at Ubicomp 2006 conference. Bruce's speech begins at 0:10:20.
- Video Interview with Bruce Sterling, English language with German intro and subtitles
- Wired Blog : Beyond the beyond
- Video Lecture by Bruce Sterling, European Graduate School, Saas-fee, Switzerland 2006 about technologies such as RFID's.
- Reason Magazine Interview with Bruce Sterling
- Interview pour le site (in French)
- Archive of Catscan columns at EFF
- Talk at the Innovationsforum Interactiondesign, Germany 2007