Damian Conway
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- Damian Conway
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Damian Conway
Damian Conway is known as the "Mad Scientist of Perl". He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science
A popular speaker and trainer, he is also the author of many infamous modules including: Parse::RecDescent (parsing without lexing), Lingua::EN::Inflect (English transformations without a dictionary), Lingua::Romana::Perligata (Perl programming without English), Class::Multimethods (polymorphism without objects), Quantum::Superpositions (quantum computing without tears), and Coy ( error messages without karma). A three-time winner of the Perl Conference's Larry Wall Award, Damian is now banned from future competition
He is a former columnist for The Perl Journal, and author of the books Object Oriented Perl and Perl Best Practices.
Damian is heavily implicated in the design of Perl 6, where his job is to tempt Larry with evil ideas, and to explain Larry's apocalyptic visions.
He also runs an international IT training company - Thoughtstream - which provides programmer training from beginner to masterclass level throughout Europe, North America, and Australasia.
He lists his technical interests as: programming language design, teaching programming, object orientation, software engineering, natural language generation, synthetic language generation, emergent systems, declarative programming, morphing, human-computer interaction, geometric modelling, the psychophysics of perception, nanoscale simulation, and parsing.
He lists his personal interests as: reading, fitness, cinema, and Total World Domination.
In his spare time, he travels barefoot across the U.S. - teaching, playing his flute, having alopecic flashbacks, preaching pacifist philosophy, and generally beating the tar out of bad guys with his deadly kung-fu skills.
1...which did not prove to be the babe-magnet that the brochure implied.
2...on the grounds of being unfairly weird.
- Thoughtstream - Damian Conway's consultancy site
- Damian Conway's bio on Wikipedia
- Interview with Damian Conway in the Perl Review
- The Mind of Damian Conway: Science, Computer Science, the Future of Perl 6, and Advice for Today's Aspiring Programmers
- Damian Conway in ITConversations - O'Reilly Media OSCON Europe
- An interview with Damian Conway on YouTube
- Damian Conway explains Perl 6 on YouTube