Michael Lopp
- Adrian Holovaty
- Annalee Newitz
- Ben Goodger
- Bruce Sterling
- Cameron Adams
- Damian Conway
- David Recordon
- Derek Featherstone
- Derek Powazek
- Fiona Romeo
- Heather Champ
- Jackson Wilkinson
- Jane McGonigal
- Jasmina Tesanovic
- Joshua Porter
- Matt Biddulph
- Matt Jones
- Michael Lopp
- Meg Pickard
- Nat Torkington
- Pamela Fox
- Russell Brown
- Russ Weakley
- Toby Segaran
- Tom Coates
- Ze Frank

Michael Lopp
Michael Lopp designs software and manages people in the Silicon Valley and is consistently surprised by how much those two jobs intersect. He's worked for Apple, Netscape, Borland, Symantec, and a start-up he'd rather not mention.
When he's not worrying about staying relevant, he writes at the popular technology/management weblog, Rands in Repose.
All of this work resulted in the publication of a book titled "Managing Humans", where he explains that while technology is cool, it's the humans that build it who are really interesting.
Michael surfs whenever he can because staying sane is a full-time job.