Matt Jones
- Adrian Holovaty
- Annalee Newitz
- Ben Goodger
- Bruce Sterling
- Cameron Adams
- Damian Conway
- David Recordon
- Derek Featherstone
- Derek Powazek
- Fiona Romeo
- Heather Champ
- Jackson Wilkinson
- Jane McGonigal
- Jasmina Tesanovic
- Joshua Porter
- Matt Biddulph
- Matt Jones
- Michael Lopp
- Meg Pickard
- Nat Torkington
- Pamela Fox
- Russell Brown
- Russ Weakley
- Toby Segaran
- Tom Coates
- Ze Frank

Matt Jones
Matt Jones is a designer. He was creative director for the award-winning BBC News Online and Sapient's London studio in the first boom, then returned the BBC in 2001 to design the BBC's web search and a geo-located social network. From 2003, he joined Nokia in design research, then as a Director of UX Design.
He is one of the founders of, lead designer at Dopplr, a service for frequent travelers.
He has written on interaction design and planetary scale self-replicating robot dogs for eight years at