Visualise Freedom and Win a Wii

What does freedom mean to you? Contribute your vision of freedom to our digital photo exhibition which will be displayed at Webstock this year. This exhibition is open to anyone.

For you intelligent and beautiful people who are actually attending Webstock, you will also have a chance to win a Nintendo Wii! Yes, we will be giving away a Wii to the best image by a Webstock attendee.

Join the Flickr group and start submitting images!

The rules are simple:

  • Contribute as many as you like
  • The images should mean “freedom” to you
  • JPG format please
  • At least 1280 x 800ish (they will be displayed on a big monitor, so the bigger the better, really).
  • Keep it clean (so we can show the kids 😉

The fine print:

The Nintendo Wii will be given to a Webstock attendee only. The award will be decided by a yet-to-be chosen judge and his/her decision will be final.

The Nintendo Wii will be demo’d in an exhibition area of the conference prior to be given away as a prize.

Webstock committee members are not eligible for the Nintendo Wii (with great regret as we really want one).

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