Mike Davidson
When Your Idea Doesn’t Suck: How to stop working for clients and launch a startup
If you had a penny for every bad new business idea you came up with, you might be rich. What happens, however, when you have that one *great* idea? Will you be ready to develop it into a company and make it fly? In this talk, we'll cover the end-to-end process of turning an idea into a successful company, including:
Identifying what is and isn't a great idea.
Finding your co-founders.
Incorporating and splitting equity.
Leaving your current job.
Getting and managing investors.
Operating your company.
Entertaining and negotiating an acquisition.
Managing your career, post-acquisition.
Many great ideas have been derailed by unwise execution along the way, and many have never even gotten off the ground because the inventor was too busy with client work. This talk aims to put you in the catbird seat for the next time inspiration strikes.