We learned from those who went before us. Their work inspired and educated us. And the openness with which they shared as they learned was a beacon for us when we started Webstock. We publish these talks in the spirit of good web citizenship and with the hope that they will inspire others as we have been inspired.
Webstock 19
Webstock 2019 was a special mid-winter event, held at the Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington, from 26 – 18 June 2019.
Cameron Adams
Creating a billion-dollar company with ❤
Kim Goodwin
From Design Systems to Decision Systems
Lara Hogan
Optimising for team health: Tools and techniques of supportive teams who build successful products
Liz Jackson
Engaging in disability as a creative practice
Courtney Johnston
The joy and weight of responsibility in our working lives
Sacha Judd
I Still Believe in Heroes
Karen McGrane
The return of the Zombie Apocalypse: adaptive content in the multi-device onslaught
Wilson Miner
Seeing through the net
Webstock 18
Webstock 2018 was held at the St James Theatre, Wellington, from 12 – 16 February 2018.
Andy Budd
The Accidental Leader
Maciej Ceglowski
No Way Out But Through: Tales From the Tech Resistance
Abby Covert
Language: Your Organization’s Most Important and Least Valued Asset
Nathan Curtis
Systems of Systems
Nat Dudley
Be Kind, Design
Haley van Dyck
Inside the belly of the beast: creating change in unlikely places
Scott Hanselman
Solving Diabetes with an Open Source Artificial Pancreas
Janet Hughes
Digital government: reasons to be cheerful
Phillip Hunter
What we’re trying to say: The arc of UX from desktop and mobile to voice
Laura Kalbag
Sabotaging our future selves
Jeremy Keith
Taking Back The Web
Claire Lew
The Grass Is Always Greener
Katrina Owen
Cultivating Instinct
Trevor Paglen, Kate Crawford
Monsters in the AI Machines
Anna Pickard
A short talk about things you already know
Nishant Shah
A.I. for survival or How feminist, person-of-colour critique will save the world
Ines Sombra
What does it take to go fast?
Lee Vinsel
The Innovation Fetish
Webstock 17
Webstock 2017 was held at the St James Theatre, Wellington, from 13 – 17 February 2017.
Lindsay Aitchison
If This Was Real Life, You’d Be Dead (or at least really uncomfortable)
Genevieve Bell
Talking to Artificial Intelligence
Jonathon Colman
Wicked Ambiguity and User Experience
Anil Dash
Toward Humane Tech
Katie Dill
When Great UX Goes Offline
Janine Gianfredi
Go where the work is. Inside the US Digital Service.
Kim Goodwin
Scenarios and storyboards: Getting to structure and flow
Jeff Gothelf
Scaling Lean: Principles over Process
Cal Henderson
Emoji for fun and profit
Lara Hogan
Empathy and Web Performance
Indy Johar
The Dark Matter of Democracy
Sacha Judd
How the tech sector could move in One Direction
Tim Kadlec
Darius Kazemi
Don't Build Things
Ashley Nelson-Hornstein
Humanities x Technology
Jared Spool
Beyond The UX Tipping Point
Lisa Welchman
Staying Human
Marcin Wichary
Charles Babbage’s mouse pointer
Webstock 16
Webstock 2016 was held at the St James Theatre, Wellington, from 9 – 12 February 2016.
Leila Adu
“A Jewelled Net”: Music, Mindfulness, People and Planet!
Heather Armstrong
The Fraud of Authenticity
Tom Coates
The Shape Of Things
Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino
The End of Ignorance
Cindy Gallop
Why The Next Big Thing In Tech Is Disrupting Sex
Nick Gray
Museums Are Fucking Awesome
Steve Hillenius
Designing Interfaces for Astronaut Autonomy in Space
Anab Jain
Rockets of India
Michael Lopp
Fear Is A Liar
Annie Machon
The Panopticon: Resistance is Not Futile
Ethan Marcotte
The Map and the Territory
Karen McGrane
Adaptive Content, Context, and Controversy
Keavy McMinn
How to mend a broken identity
Askew One
Graffiti & The Internet
Anna Pickard
Bug Fixes & Minor Improvements, Writ Large (aka Humorous Self-Flagellation and the Multiple Benefits of Being Old On The Internet)
Harry Roberts
A Peculiar Journey
Luke Wroblewski
Screen Time
Webstock 15
Webstock 2015 was held at the St James Theatre, Wellington, from 16 – 20 February 2015.
Genevieve Bell
Seeing Eternity in a Daffodil: making robots, making life
Shelley Bernstein
Visitor Experience as a Catalyst for Institutional Change
Nat Cheshire
The Manipulable City
Frank Chimero
The Web's Grain
Janet Crawford
The Surprising Neuroscience of Gender Inequality
Cory Doctorow
Light a candle, curse the darkness and win the war on general purpose computers to save the world
Derek Featherstone
Designing for Context not the Device
Nicholas Felton
Kirby Ferguson
Everything is a Remix
Brad Frost
Give It Away, Give It Away, Give It Away Now
Kim Goodwin
The values are the experience
Honor Harger
Landing on a comet
Natasha Lampard
Onsens, Entrepreneurs and the Long Game
Kate Kiefer Lee
Writing in the Real World
Elle Luna
The Crossroads of Should and Must
Moxie Marlinspike
Making private communication simple
Erin McKean
Words as tools
Mathew Patterson
Customer service and the chamber of secrets
Harper Reed
The magic and mystery of Big Data
Kris Sowersby
Responsive fonts
Des Traynor
Product Strategy and Customer Success
Jason Webley
The Pyramid at the Bottom of a Garbage Bin
Webstock 14
Webstock 2014 was held at the St James Theatre, Wellington, from 10 – 14 February 2014.
Andy Baio
The Indiepocalypse
Scott Berkun
The Year Without Pants: WordPress.com & The Future of Work
Maciej Ceglowski
Our Comrade the Electron
Josh Clark
Mind the Gap: Designing in the Space Between Devices
Liz Danzico
The Fringe Benefits of Quitting
Hannah Donovan
Sometimes You Need to Draw Animals
Jessica Hagy
New Zealanders explain the Internet
Erika Hall
Beyond Measure
Sha Hwang
The Future Happens So Much
Liza Kindred
The Future of Commerce
Tom Loosemore
Institutions: An internet survival guide
Spoek Mathambo
Internet Culture and the South African Electronic Music Scene
Anne Helen Petersen
What we talk about when we talk about Brangelina
Dan Saffer
Designing with details
Paula Scher
All design is social
Derek Sivers
The meaning of life
Clive Thompson
The new literacies
Charlie Todd
Causing a scene
Aarron Walter
Connected UX
Webstock 13
Webstock 2013 was held at the Wellington Town Hall from 11 – 15 February 2013.
Kelli Anderson
Finding the hidden talents of everyday things
Jeremy Ashkenas
Code as Writing
Artur Bergman
The Internet, performance and you — mysteries of a CDN explained
Tom Coates
An animating spark: mundane computing & the web of data
Jim Coudal
Digital is analog
Chris Coyier
A bird’s eye view of a modern web designer’s workflow
Adam Greenfield
Another city is possible: The “smart city“ from above & below
John Gruber
In praise of Pac-Man
Kitt Hodsden
Set yourself up to succeed
Jason Kottke
I built a web app (& you can too)
Karen McGrane
Adapting ourselves to adaptive content
Craig Mod
Subcompact Publishing
Mike Monteiro
How Designers Destroyed the World
Miranda Mulligan
Your survival is designed
Aza Raskin
Design is the beauty of turning constraints into advantages
Garr Reynolds
Story, emotion & the art of 21st-century presentation
Eric Rodenbeck
Drawing outside the lines
Jason Scott
Wanted: dead or alive
Robin Sloan
Inventing media
Bruce Sterling
What a feeling!
Tricia Wang
The Elastic Self
Webstock 12
Webstock 2012 was held at the Wellington Town Hall from 13 – 17 February 2012.
Lauren Beukes
Kinking Reality
danah boyd
Culture of Fear + Attention Economy = ?!?!
Jennifer Brook
Within Reach: Publishing for the iPad
Dana Chisnell
Deconstructing Delight: Pleasure, Flow, and Meaning
Gabriella Coleman
In Lulz We Trust
Derek Handley
Doing good and well
Scott Hanselman
It's not what you read, it's what you ignore
Matt Haughey
Lessons from a 40 year old
Jessica Hische
Typography through song: an historical and epistemological journey
Amy Hoy
Change the game
Matthew Inman
How to get a buttcrapload of people to read what you write
Jeremy Keith
Of Time and the Network
Erin Kissane
Little Big Systems
Raffi Krikorian
Pressure, defense, and responses
Adam Lisagor
Lonely Pan Flute
Rob Malda
Slashdot — the rise and fall
Nick Mihailovski
Acting on data
Wilson Miner
When we build
Jared Spool
The Anatomy of a Design Decision
Estelle Weyl
Mobile: Don't Break the Web
Webstock 11
Webstock 2011 was held at the Wellington Town Hall from 14 – 18 February 2011.
Marco Arment
Contrary to popular belief
Doug Bowman
Delivering Delight
Frank Chimero
The Digital Campfire
Josh Clark
Buttons Are a Hack: The New Rules of Designing for Touch
Tom Coates
Everything the Network Touches
Jason Cohen
A Geek Sifts Through the Bullshit
John Gruber
The Gap Theory of UI Design
Kristina Halvorson
Michael Koziarski
That's all well and good, but how does it help me?
Merlin Mann
Scared Shitless: How I (Mostly) Learned to Love Being Afraid of Pretty Much Everything
Jason Santa Maria
On Web Typography
David McCandless
Information is beautiful
Amanda Palmer
Amanda Palmer talks new music paradigm, blogging, Twitter and life
Christine Perfetti
Adventurous Usability Techniques: Novel Approaches for the Seasoned Pro
Mark Pilgrim
The Future of the Web: where are we going and why am I in this handbasket?
David Recordon
HTML5 at Facebook
Glenda Sims
Practical Accessibility Testing
Steve Souders
Web Performance Optimisation: The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Nicole Sullivan
CSS Tools for Massive Websites
Peter Sunde
The Pirate Bay of Penzance
Jason Webley
Portrait of an Artist as an Independent Musician
Webstock 10
Webstock 2010 was held at the Wellington Town Hall from 15 – 19 February 2010.