Andy Baio
Twitter WebsiteAndy Baio is a writer and coder who loves making things. See more...

Jen Bekman
Twitter WebsiteJen Bekman is a gallerist, entrepreneur, and writer. She is the founder and CEO of 20x200, and proprietress of Hey, Hot Shot! Art for everyone evangelist. See more...

Scott Berkun
Twitter WebsiteScott Berkun is an acclaimed speaker and best-selling author. His books include The Year Without Pants; The Future of Work; Making Things Happen; The Myths of Innovation and Confessions of a Public Speaker. See more...

Maciej Ceglowski
Twitter WebsiteMaciej Ceglowski is the founder and sole employee of Pinboard, a personal web archive and bookmarking site with an emphasis on user privacy. He's been an outspoken advocate of small pay-for-service websites as an alternative to the hype and impermanance of Silicon Valley startup culture. See more...

Josh Clark
Twitter WebsiteJosh Clark is a designer specializing in multi-device design, strategy, and user experience. He's author of four books including "Tapworthy: Designing Great iPhone Apps" (O'Reilly, 2010) and the forthcoming "Designing for Touch" (A Book Apart, 2014). See more...

Liz Danzico
Twitter WebsitePart designer, part educator, and part editor, Liz is chair and co-founder of the MFA in Interaction Design program at the School of Visual Arts in NYC. In her practice, Liz cultivates design and user-centered programs through collaborative methods in education, in digital design, and in technology to foster positive change. See more...

Hannah Donovan
Twitter WebsiteHannah Donovan is co-founder and design director of This Is My Jam, a music service for sharing your favourite song right now. Before starting Jam, Hannah led design at Last.fm. See more...

Brad Frost
Twitter WebsiteBrad is the creator of This Is Responsive, a collection of patterns, resources and news to help people create great responsive web experiences. He's also the creator of Mobile Web Best Practices and the curator of WTF Mobile Web. See more...

Jessica Hagy
Twitter WebsiteJessica Hagy is an artist and writer best known for her Webby award-winning blog, Indexed and the best-selling book, How to Be Interesting. See more...

Erika Hall
Twitter WebsiteErika Hall is the author of Just Enough Research. Erika Hall has been working in web design and development since the late 20th century. In 2001, she co-founded Mule Design Studio where she directs the research, interaction design, and strategy practices. See more...

Nelly Ben Hayoun
Twitter WebsiteNelly is Designer of Experiences at the SETI Institute and the founding Director of the International Space Orchestra in NASA Ames Research Center. In her spare time she is training to be an astronaut. See more...

Sha Hwang
Twitter WebsiteDesigner and technologist Sha is endlessly fascinated by maps, cities, data, and design. Sha studied architecture at UC Berkeley, and worked at IwamotoScott in San Francisco and MESH Architectures in New York before falling for visualization and mapping at Stamen Design. See more...

Liza Kindred
Twitter WebsiteLiz is author of the forthcoming book The Third Wave of Commerce: How We Buy Now. She is the founder of fashion tech think tank Third Wave Fashion and speaks frequently about the future of fashion and the future of commerce. See more...

Tom Loosemore
Twitter WebsiteTom Loosemore helped create the UK's Government Digital Service (GDS), and is now its deputy director. Prior to GDS, Tom was head of 4iP, the digital innovation arm of Channel 4 Television and devised the BBC's online strategy. See more...

Spoek Mathambo
Twitter WebsiteProducer/ singer/rapper Spoek Mathambo - defined and refined by his unique take on music - is bringing an original and futuristic sound to a global following. See more...

Anne Helen Petersen
Twitter WebsiteAnne Helen Petersen is Doctor of Celebrity Gossip, which means that she spends her time thinking big thoughts about the intricacies of stardom, the gossip industry, the "celebrification" of contemporary media. She is the author of the forthcoming book, Scandals of Classic Hollywood. See more...

Dan Saffer
Twitter WebsiteDan is the author of four books - Microinteractions; Designing for Interaction; Designing Gestural Interfaces, and Designing Devices- all of which are required reading for any student or practitioner of interaction design. See more...

Paula Scher
WebsiteAmerican graphic designer, painter and art educator in design, and the first female principal at Pentagram. See more...

Derek Sivers
Twitter WebsiteCreator of CD baby, speaker, writer. See more...

Jonathan Snook
Twitter WebsiteJonathan Snook is the co-author of two books, The Art and Science of CSS and Accelerated DOM Scripting and the author of Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS, in which he shares his experience and best practices on CSS architecture. He works at Shopify. See more...

Clive Thompson
Twitter WebsiteClive Thompson is an award-winning journalist who writes about the impact of technology and science on everyday life. See more...

Charlie Todd
Twitter WebsiteCharlie Todd is the founder of Improv Everywhere. Based in New York, Improv Everywhere causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places and has executed over 100 missions involving thousands of undercover agents including the legendary Grand Central Freeze and the infamous No Pants Subway Ride. See more...

Aarron Walter
Twitter WebsiteAarron Walter is the Director of User Experience at MailChimp, where he strives to make software more human. Aarron is the author of Designing for Emotion from A Book Apart. See more...