
Shelley Bernstein
Chief of Technology at the Brooklyn Museum. Recognised as a social media maven for her work in furthering the Museum's community-oriented mission via social media.

Daniel Burka
Designer extraordinaire. Former Creative Director of Digg, a founder of Pownce, now Director of Design at the early-stage startup Tiny Speck.

Sebastian Chan
Head of Digital, Social and Emerging Technologies at the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia.

Regine DeBatty
Blogger and a new media art curator, she lectures internationally and writes about the intersection between art, design and technology on we-make- money-not-art.com.

Esther Derby
A recognized agile and productivity expert. Author of Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Management and Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great.

Brian Fling
Mobile expert; President of pinch/zoom an interactive agency specializing in mobile and web applications and author of Mobile Design & Development.

Thomas Fuchs
Creator of the script.aculo.us framework, Prototype core member and Rails core alumnus, Thomas is one of the world's top JavaScript and rich web app performance experts.

Adam Greenfield
Nokia's head of design direction for service and user-interface design; author of Everyware: The dawning age of ubiquitous computing and the upcoming The City Is Here For You To Use.

Lisa Herrod
Usability, accessibility and user experience strategy advocate. Principal User Experience consultant at Scenario Seven.

Bek Hodgson
Visual and Interaction Design Consultant for global community-based e-commerce sites, products and brands. Formerly led UX and visual design at Etsy.

Amy Hoy
Writer-Speaker-Designer-turned-Interface-Developer-and-sometimes-Programmer. Principle designer behind Twistori, Freckle Time Tracking, the Pepsico Zeitgeist, and other unusual sites and apps.

Mark Pesce
A pioneer in Virtual Reality, respected writer, researcher and teacher, co- inventor of VRML, author of five books and numerous papers on the future of technology.

John Resig
Creator and lead developer of jQuery. John Resig is a JavaScript Tool Developer for the Mozilla Corporation.

Eric Ries
Entrepreneurial king ping. Author of the blog Startup Lessons Learned. Creator of the Lean Startup entrepreneurship methodology.

Kevin Rose
Founder of Digg. Co-founder of the Internet Television Network Revision3. Co-hosts of Diggnation, a weekly video podcast based on digg.com news stories and content.

Toby Segaran
Software developer and data magnate. Author of Programming Collective Intelligence, Programming the Semantic Web and Beautiful Data.

Chris Shiflett
Founding member of Analog, a web design and development co-operative. Blogger at shiflett.org and author of Essential PHP Security (O’Reilly) and HTTP Developer’s Handbook (Sams).

Jeffrey Veen
CEO of Typekit, internationally sought-after speaker, author, and user experience consultant. Formerly led the creation of Measure Map, the well-received blog analytics tool acquired by Google.